Russell Hooper
R&D S&E, Computer Science

Research Interests:
- Computational Science R&D
- Pasma Physics Modeling & Simulation
- Efficient numerical algorithms for coupled multiphysics & code coupling
- High performance & scientific computing
Code Development:
- Trilinos (
- Aleph plasma physics
- Alegra
- Xyce
- VERA (The Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications) (
- 2001 Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thesis: Drop Dynamics in Polymer Processing Flows
- 1995 M.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Thesis: A Mathematical Model of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
- 1994 B.S. Chemical Engineering, Summa cum Laude, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Taylor Hall, Jeremiah Boerner, Zakari Echo, Russell Hooper, Jose Pacheco, (2021). Effect of dynamic particle reweighting on plasma swarm parameters in the particle-in-cell code Aleph Publication ID: 75780
Taylor Hall, Jeremiah Boerner, Zakari Echo, Russell Hooper, Jose Pacheco, Aaron Hall, (2021). Effect of dynamic particle reweighting on plasma swarm parameters in the particle-in-cell code Aleph Publication ID: 76014
George Laity, Allen Robinson, Michael Cuneo, Mary Alam, Kristian Beckwith, Nichelle Bennett, Matthew Bettencourt, Stephen Bond, Kyle Cochrane, Louise Criscenti, Eric Cyr, Karen De Zetter, Richard Drake, Evstati Evstatiev, Andrew Fierro, Thomas Gardiner, Forrest Glines, Ronald Goeke, Nathaniel Hamlin, Russell Hooper, Jason Koski, James Lane, Steven Larson, Kevin Leung, Duncan McGregor, Philip Miller, Sean Miller, Susan Ossareh, Edward Phillips, Sean Simpson, David Sirajuddin, Thomas Smith, Matthew Swan, Aidan Thompson, Julien Tranchida, Asa Bortz-Johnson, Dale Welch, Alex Russell, Eric Watson, David Rose, Ryan McBride, (2021). Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report) Publication ID: 75144
Russell Hooper, Zakari Echo, Taylor Hall, Jeremiah Boerner, Jose Pacheco, Anne Grillet, (2020). Aleph: Highly Scalable Unstructured PIC-DSMC Low Temperature Plasma Code Publication ID: 72075
Zakari Echo, Jeremiah Boerner, Taylor Hall, Jose Pacheco, Russell Hooper, Anne Grillet, (2020). Benchmark Verification of the Aleph PIC-DSMC Program Publication ID: 72079
Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2020). Dakota Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Software:CASL Capabilities and Impact Publication ID: 71848
Russell Hooper, Thomas Smith, Alex Robinson, J.N. Shadid, M.M. Crockatt, Sidney Shields, Matthew Swan, (2020). Comparisons of Collisional Interactions Between Kinetic and Fluid Models Publication ID: 72977
Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2020). Dakota Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Software: CASL Capabilities and Impact Publication ID: 72903
Allen Robinson, Allen Robinson, Matthew Swan, Matthew Swan, Thomas Smith, Thomas Smith, Nichelle Bennett, Nichelle Bennett, Richard Drake, Richard Drake, Russell Hooper, Russell Hooper, (2019). Computational Infrastructure and Neutral Expansion Verification Problems for Testing Plasma Physics Algorithms Publication ID: 70402
Jose Pacheco, Russell Hooper, Thomas Hughes, (2018). Modeling ion-neutral collisions using ?universal? scattering for drifting plasmas or ion beams in PIC-DSMC codes Publication ID: 63724
Jose Pacheco, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Anne Grillet, Thomas Hughes, (2017). General ion-neutral elastic scattering cross sections from screened Coulomb potentials for PIC-DSMC codes Publication ID: 58240
Jose Pacheco, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Anne Grillet, Thomas Hughes, (2017). ION-NEUTRAL ELASTIC SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONS FOR KINETIC PLASMA SIMULATIONS IN ALEPH Publication ID: 56477
Russell Hooper, Kathryn Maupin, Laura Swiler, Brian Williams, Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2017). DAKOTA Update: Capabilities & Applications Publication ID: 56549
Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2017). Dakota’s Role in Verification Publication ID: 54385
Brian Adams, Kayla Coleman, Russell Hooper, Bassam Khuwaileh, Allison Lewis, Ralph Smith, Laura Swiler, Paul Turinsky, Brian Williams, (2016). User Guidelines and Best Practices for CASL VUQ Analysis Using Dakota Publication ID: 47788
Russell Hooper, Vincent Mousseau, (2016). Watts Bar I cycle 7 CIPS UQ Update Publication ID: 51133
Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2016). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis with VERA?s Dakota Module Publication ID: 50828
Russell Hooper, Vincent Mousseau, (2016). CASL’s approach to multi-physics UAM Publication ID: 50210
Russell Hooper, Vincent Mousseau, (2016). Uncertainty quantification studies of stand-alone and coupled CTF Publication ID: 50211
Russell Hooper, Stan Moore, (2015). Aleph Field Solver Challenge Problem Results Summary Publication ID: 41325
Thomas Hughes, Russell Hooper, (2014). Boltzmann-Electron Model in Aleph Publication ID: 39621
Russell Hooper, (2014). Validation and Uncertainty Quantification in CASL Nuclear Reactor Modeling Publication ID: 37668
Brian Adams, Russell Hooper, (2014). User guidelines and best practices for CASL VUQ analysis using Dakota Publication ID: 40334
Matthew Hopkins, Jeremiah Boerner, Christopher Moore, Paul Crozier, Stan Moore, Matthew Bettencourt, Russell Hooper, (2013). Computational Efficiency for Kinetic Simulation of Vacuum Arcs Publication ID: 36431
Matthew Hopkins, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Christopher Moore, Edward Barnat, Paul Crozier, Stan Moore, Matthew Bettencourt, Lawrence Musson, (2013). Challenges to Simulating Vacuum Arc Discharge Publication ID: 34361
Matthew Hopkins, Edward Barnat, Paul Crozier, Matthew Bettencourt, Christopher Moore, Russell Hooper, Lawrence Musson, (2012). The Path to Full Geometry 3D Vacuum Arc Simulation Publication ID: 30481
Matthew Hopkins, Paul Crozier, Edward Barnat, Jeremiah Boerner, Russell Hooper, Matthew Bettencourt, Lawrence Musson, (2012). 1D PIC-DSMC Microscale Breakdown Simulations Publication ID: 30658
Matthew Hopkins, Paul Crozier, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Lawrence Musson, Matthew Bettencourt, (2012). 1D PIC-DSMC Simulations of Breakdown in Microscale Gaps Publication ID: 29585
Matthew Hopkins, Paul Crozier, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Lawrence Musson, Matthew Bettencourt, (2012). PIC-DSMC Simulations of Breakdown in Microscale Gaps Publication ID: 28964
Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, Kenneth Belcourt, (2012). Coupling for a Virtual Nuclear Reactor Publication ID: 29018
Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, Kenneth Belcourt, (2012). LIME: Software for Robust and Flexible Multiphysics Coupling Publication ID: 29019
Matthew Hopkins, Paul Crozier, Russell Hooper, Jeremiah Boerner, Lawrence Musson, Matthew Bettencourt, (2012). 1D PIC-DSMC Simulations of Breakdown in Microscale Gaps Publication ID: 29089
Matthew Hopkins, Jeremiah Boerner, Edward Barnat, Paul Crozier, Matthew Bettencourt, Lawrence Musson, Russell Hooper, Christopher Moore, (2012). 3D vacuum arc breakdown simulation : Publication ID: 28888
Matthew Hopkins, Russell Hooper, Paul Crozier, Matthew Bettencourt, Jeremiah Boerner, Lawrence Musson, (2012). 1D Breakdown Simulations and Development of an Energy Conserving Implicit PIC-DSMC Method Publication ID: 28818
Matthew Hopkins, Jeremiah Boerner, Edward Barnat, Paul Crozier, Matthew Bettencourt, Christopher Moore, Russell Hooper, Lawrence Musson, (2012). Building Blocks for 3D Vacuum Arc Discharge Publication ID: 27934
Roger Pawlowski, Kenneth Belcourt, Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, (2011). VERA MultiphysicsCoupling with LIME: Code Requirements Publication ID: 25701
Rodney Schmidt, Kenneth Belcourt, Russell Hooper, Roger Pawlowski, (2011). An introduction to LIME 1.0 and its use in coupling codes for multiphysics simulations Publication ID: 25327
Jon Stearley, David Robinson, Russell Hooper, Michael Stickland, William McLendon, Arun Rodrigues, (2011). SNL software manual for the ACS Data Analytics Project Publication ID: 24812
Matthew Hopkins, Paul Crozier, Lawrence Musson, Thomas Hughes, Russell Hooper, Edward Barnat, (2011). Ingredients for 3D Vacuum Arc Discharge Simulation Publication ID: 24169
Roscoe Bartlett, Kenneth Belcourt, Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, (2011). A theory manual for multi-physics code coupling in LIME Publication ID: 22185
Rodney Schmidt, Russell Hooper, (2010). LIME : lightweight integrated multiphysics environment Publication ID: 19194
Edward Barnat, Paul Crozier, Jeremiah Boerner, Thomas Hughes, Russell Hooper, (2010). Challenges simulating low temperature collisional plasmas Publication ID: 18148
Rodney Schmidt, Russell Hooper, Larry Humphries, Alfred Lorber, William Spotz, (2010). Foundational development of an advanced nuclear reactor integrated safety code Publication ID: 17257
Thomas Hughes, Matthew Hopkins, Jeremiah Boerner, Paul Crozier, Russell Hooper, Polly Hopkins, Lawrence Musson, Alan Williams, (2009). Instability-driven ionization in a low-pressure helium discharge Publication ID: 16906
Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, (2009). Development of a lightweight multi-scale multi-physics coupling strategy for nuclear reactor safety simulations Publication ID: 15796
Matthew Hopkins, Polly Hopkins, Russell Hooper, Lawrence Musson, Steven Plimpton, Alan Williams, (2008). Aleph : Publication ID: 15279
William Spotz, Alfred Lorber, Russell Hooper, Rodney Schmidt, (2008). A Multi-Physics Coupling Approach for Integrated Nuclear Reactor Safety Calculations Publication ID: 14020
Matthew Hopkins, Roger Pawlowski, Harry Moffat, Brian Carnes, Russell Hooper, (2007). Final report on LDRD project : coupling strategies for multi-physics applications Publication ID: 11910
Russell Hooper, (2007). Trilinos: From a User’s Perspective Publication ID: 11984
Russell Hooper, (2007). Multi-Physics Coupling for Robust Simulation Publication ID: 11316
Russell Hooper, Brian Carnes, Harry Moffat, (2007). Algorithms for Multi-Physics Coupling Publication ID: 10410
Russell Hooper, (2007). Algorithms that Enable Newton Coupling of Multi-Physics Simulations Publication ID: 8858
Russell Hooper, Thomas Smith, Curtis Ober, (2006). Enabling fluid-structural strong thermal coupling within a multi-physics environment Collection of Technical Papers – 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Publication ID: 6536
Russell Hooper, Curtis Ober, Alfred Lorber, (2006). Intelligent nonlinear solvers for computational fluid dynamics Publication ID: 6539
Russell Hooper, Curtis Ober, Alfred Lorber, (2006). Intelligent nonlinear solvers for computational fluid dynamics Publication ID: 6577
Russell Hooper, Curtis Ober, (2006). Enabling fluid-structural strong thermal coupling within a multi-physics environment Publication ID: 6588
Russell Hooper, Matthew Hopkins, Roger Pawlowski, (2005). Assessing cost and performance in transitioning from loose to strong coupling Publication ID: 5918
Matthew Hopkins, Roger Pawlowski, Russell Hooper, (2005). Enabling newton-based coupling within a multi-physics environment using NOX – an object-oriented nonlinear solver library Publication ID: 5345
Russell Hooper, Matthew Hopkins, Roger Pawlowski, Patrick Notz, Steve Gianoulakis, (2005). Coupling Strategies for an Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Actuator Publication ID: 5200
Roger Pawlowski, Russell Hooper, Tamara Kolda, Eric Phipps, Brett Bader, Andrew Salinger, (2005). Solving nonlinear systems with NOX Publication ID: 4642
Russell Hooper, Curtis Ober, Alfred Lorber, (2005). A comparison of edge-based scheme Newton-Krylov method operators for solving compressible flows Publication ID: 4644
Matthew Hopkins, Russell Hooper, Roger Pawlowski, (2005). Enabling multi-physics via Newton-based coupling Publication ID: 4645
Russell Hooper, Matthew Hopkins, Roger Pawlowski, (2005). Enabling Newton-based coupling within a multi-physics environment using NOX – an object-oriented nonlinear solver library Publication ID: 4647
Showing Results.