The Dakota project delivers both state-of-the-art research and robust, usable software for optimization and UQ. Broadly, the Dakota software’s advanced parametric analyses enable design exploration, model calibration, risk analysis, and quantification of margins and uncertainty with computational models. Read More.
Dakota 6.21
Announcing Dakota Version 6.21 Dakota 6.21 is officially available for download. Highlight: Numerical Robustness for ML Blue The multilevel best linear unbiased estimator (ML BLUE) now uses truncated SVD for all matrix solutions (previously handled by Cholesky factorization with equilibration), enabling more robust solution recovery for resouce allocations and final moment estimates. This can mitigate […]
Dakota 6.20
Announcing Dakota Version 6.20 Dakota 6.20 is officially available for download. Highlight: Multilevel Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (ML BLUE) ML BLUE ([SU20]) is a new multifidelity sampling-based approach for UQ, distinguished from other estimators through its use of sample allocations based on model groupings. It has motivated a number of other general extensions to Dakota’s […]
Dakota 6.19
Announcing Dakota Version 6.19 Dakota 6.19 is officially available for download. Highlight: New sampling-based method for Sobol’ main effects Based on [LM16], Dakota can now obtain estimates of first order Sobol’ indices (main effects) from sampling studies. Previous versions of Dakota could estimate main and total effects using a “pick and freeze” sampling strategy [STCR04], […]
The Dakota team is organizing a minisymposium at the upcoming 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, which will be held in Albuquerque, NM during the week of July 23-27, 2023. Driven by Sandia National Laboratories’ applications, the Dakota project (http://dakota.sandia.gov) invests in both state-of-the-art research and robust, usable software for optimization and uncertainty quantification […]
Retirement of dakota-users
The Dakota team is excited to announce that user support has moved to GitHub Discussions. The dakota-users listserv is now officially retired. Although dakota-users has served our community well over the years, GitHub Discussions has numerous features that we believe warrant this change. Some of these include: Searchable history Threaded discussions markdown formatting LaTeX style mathematical expressions Voting, best answer […]