Dakota 6.17

Highlight: Integrated User Manual

Dakota 6.17 includes a beta version of a new Sphinx-based integrated user manual. It aggregates content from the historical User’s, Theory, and Reference manuals, as well as the Dakota website. Feedback on this new compendium is invited.

Enabling / Accessing: Primarily from https://dakota.sandia.gov, also in <dakota_src>/docs/user.

Highlight: User Support Moves to Github

External user support is moving to Github Discussions. Discussions offers many advantages over the dakota-users listserv, including threaded conversations, advanced formatting via markdown, LaTeX-formatted mathematical expressions, and more.

We plan to operate dakota-users and the new Discussions forums concurrently until February 15, 2023, when dakota-users will be shut down.

Enabling / Accessing: Create an account on https://github.com/ and visit Dakota’s Discussions page.

See the release notes for further details.